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Reduced upfront costs and increased yield and margin. Details: Half of the Microsoil product was applied at sowing and the balance late tiller. Reducing upfront costs, eg 35kg MAP in lieu of 100kg MAP per HA, and chasing yield later in the season depending on the chance of a strong or weak finish to the season is a key feature of Microsoil's principle.This extensive trial replicated 42 products from 16 companies. Microsoil showed a half tonne yield increase over the trial Control of 70kg MAP and was a top performer in terms of ROI given Microsoil halved the MAP rate to 35kg in its plots.Trial conducted by: Delta Agribusiness.
20% yield increase from late tiller Microsoil application. Details: All of the plots in this replicated trial received 70kg MAP and 30L UAN per HA at sowing. Microsoil was applied as a foliar in August. This late addition of Microsoil yielded an extra tonne of wheat per HA.This highlights that crop inputs can be more wisely spent later in the season as opposed to a complete upfront expense and yield increases can be chased once the season has identified itself.Note that Microsoil costs are now less than $40 per HA further increasing ROI.Trial conducted by: Landmark.
Microsoil significantly improves manure and compost efficiency. Details: This demonstration trial looked at the benefits of applying Microsoil’s nutrient, biology and plant stimulants over applications of commonly used manures and composts. The addition of Microsoil had a significant impact on yield, particularly when applied over the chicken manure. The biology within Microsoil’s products has made key nutrients and trace minerals more available to the plant increasing yield accordingly. While conducted on a cereal crop to gauge yield increases the trial also highlights the benefits that Microsoil can deliver to pastures. Trial conducted by: AT Rural Consulting.
1 additional bale of cotton per HA above the Control. Details: All treatments had 130kg MAP and 230 kgs of Nitrogen per HA applied as urea throughout the growing season. All treatments also had 10L/HA Microsoil as foliar during squaring. The Control had no liquid fertiliser at planting. The addition of Microsoil yielded an extra bale of cotton per HA above the Control. This is a significant result given the overall high yield of the Control at 11.2 bales per HA. Trial conducted by: MW Agricultural Consulting.
Focus on ROI rather than just yield. Details: This trial had three series of replications – 0kg MAP, 75kg MAP and 180kg MAP per HA. Microsoil products were applied in two passes, one early and one late tillering. Clearly identified are the inefficiencies of applying large amounts of granular synthetic fertiliser with a view towards chasing extra yield. Microsoil trials have often found that the addition of more than 35kg MAP to our products will not demonstrate a positive impact on yield. Note that while slightly higher yields were achieved with 180kg MAP the best return to the farmer was achieved with 0kg MAP given input costs. It is important to have sufficient nutrient present to get a crop well established and a smarter approach is to chase yield later in the year if the season shapes up well. The inefficiencies of granular fertiliser highlight why many Microsoil clients are going down a path of liquid injecting Microsoil NPK Starter fertilisers. Interestingly there was no difference noted in crop yields in the subsequent two years since this trial despite the large differences in the amount of MAP applied. Trial conducted by: Landmark.
Granular and liquid fertiliser working together for 33% ROI. Details: This trial demonstrates the ability to significantly reduce a ‘standard’ upfront application of 70kg MAP to 35kg and to apply Microsoil products mid tiller keeping an eye on the forecast for a strong or weak finish to the season. Many of our soils have significant amounts of Phosphorous tied up from historical applications of synthetic fertiliser. The biology and stimulants present in Microsoil’s products help to mineralise this pool of Phosphorus and make it available to your plants. Trial conducted by: AT Rural Consulting.
Liquids outperform granular fertiliser again in Young replicated trial. Details: This was the second year of a three year replicated trial. For the second year in a row the inefficiencies of granular fertiliser were identified with 35kg MAP out performing 70kg and only a slight increase in yield being registered for 100kg MAP. Microsoil was applied in two passes as follows - 1st Application = 5 litres Microsoil Crop Starter + 4 litres Microsoil Calcium + Zinc @ 2 weeks post planting. 2nd Foliar Application = 5 litres Microsoil In Crop @ full cabbage prior to elongation. Reducing upfront costs, eg 35kg MAP in lieu of 70 or 100kg MAP per HA, and chasing yield later in the season depending on the chance of a strong or weak finish to the season was again the objective. This extensive trial replicated 42 fertiliser products. Microsoil’s result was the 5th highest in yield however in terms of ROI the result would have been better again given that only 35kg MAP was used at sowing in lieu of the Control of 70kg MAP used in most trial plots. Trial conducted by: Delta Agribusiness.
This trial with a Sydney turf grower highlighted significant fertiliser savings with the added benefits of a shorter growing season, a better quality turf and improved soil nutrient levels for subsequent turf crops. Details: This long term trial was conducted over some difficult growing seasons in Sydney. The Turf business set key indicators for trial success as being: improved turf and soil quality; greater speed to market; reduced fertiliser costs/more efficient use of applied nutrients; a more sustainable nutrition plan with less emissions and increased soil carbon and finally faster establishment of the following turf. A one HA block was used for the trial, half of which continued to have applied an industry standard turf program of synthetic fertiliser costing approx $1,500/HA. 25% of the block received half that amount of standard synthetic fertiliser ($750/HA) along with Microturf’s range of liquid biological mineral fertilisers. The remaining 25% received no synthetic fertiliser and just the Microturf liquids. Comments from the Turf Manager were that throughout the seasons the areas ‘Treated’ with Microturf were visibly ahead in their development compared to the standard ‘Untreated’ areas of the block. This included the establishment and appearance of the turf and importantly how the turf cut. The subsequent turf receiving the same treatments continued to show marked improvements in the Microturf ‘Treated’ areas. A soil testing program was conducted throughout the trial and the results tell a very compelling story about nutrient efficiency and the ability to eliminate wastage from intensive fertiliser programs such as those commonly adopted in Turf and Horticulture programs. A snapshot of the soil tests can be seen here. Note that despite significantly less units of fertiliser being applied in the 'Treated' areas where Microturf's liquid fertilisers were used, these areas continually showed up higher levels of available nutrient when compared to the ‘Untreated’ areas that received synthetic fertiliser at $1500/HA . Organic matter and soil Carbon levels also increased in Microturf ‘Treated’ areas. The Microturf liquid fertiliser ‘Treated’ areas met all of the key trial objectives as backed up by the soil testing program, reduced costs and improved operational aspects of the turf program. Trial conducted by: A leading Sydney turf farm and AT Rural Consulting.
20% yield increase & $179 return/HA with Microsoil & Loveland products. Details: This fully randomised and replicated trial was conducted by Landmark at the Temora Research Station. The trial looked at a variety of liquid fertiliser products applied both at seeding and as in crop foliar applications. As shown in the graph, the trial compared a “Standard Farmer Practice” of 80 kg MAP to five different combinations of MAP + Liquid Fertiliser. The only treatment to achieve a statistically significant result was the Microsoil Crop Starter + Awaken Seed Treatment. Further increasing the return on investment was the reduction of 80 kg MAP down to 35 kg MAP in this plot. This plot returned and extra $179/HA over the control of 80 kg MAP. Trial conducted by: Landmark.
Liquids outperform granular fertiliser in Yield & ROI in Junee wheat trial. Details: This demonstration trial compared the results of liquid and synthetic granular fertilisers in a wheat crop. As shown in the graph, the trial compared a relatively low rate and a conventional rate of granular fertiliser. An equivalent cost of liquid fertiliser to the conventional rate of granular fertiliser was also compared. All plots in the trial had good germination and plant counts given favourable early conditions. It was noted that the plots which contained only the Microsoil liquid fertilisers and no granular fertiliser had less biomass and the plots were also shorter in height. The liquid fertiliser was all applied as liquid inject at sowing. No further applications were made in crop. The attached Gross Margin figures take into account both the cost of fertiliser applied and the grain quality achieved. The highest yield and the highest Gross Margin was achieved by the following Microsoil products liquid injected at sowing – 40L NPK STARTER, 5L CROP STARTER & 40L PROTEIN NITROGEN. This trial demonstrated the ability of Microsoil liquid fertilisers to be applied up front to a wheat crop and to be able to maintain nutrition levels through to harvest. Having less biomass appeared to help the Microsoil liquid treated plots 'hold on' in the dry finish to the season. Trial conducted by: AT Rural Consulting.
30% yield increase with reduced MAP + Liquid fertiliser. Details: This trial is characteristic of the sort of trial initially conducted by many of Microsoil’s clients. It was set up as a simple demonstration trial to look at the impact of reducing rates of granular fertiliser and toping them up with a program of Microsoil liquid fertilisers. As shown in the graph, the trial compared conventional rates of applied granular synthetic fertiliser to granular synthetic fertiliser + liquid fertiliser. This highlights the typical approach that Microsoil takes to dryland cropping – a reduced rate of MAP/DAP etc in conjunction with boom applied liquids with a view to maximising fertiliser use efficiency. The above Gross Margin figures take into account both the cost of fertiliser applied against the canola yield. The district average for canola yield in this region was 1.6 tonnes. Trial conducted by: private client trial.
Major improvements seen in second year of Microsoil program. Details: This demonstration trial highlights improvements that are commonly noted in the second and third years into the use of Microsoil products. While the first year of using Microsoil liquids in conjunction with granular fertiliser often shows positive results, as highlighted in other trials on this page, a really noticeable change is often present with subsequent season’s use of Microsoil liquids. This trial of Microsoil products was conducted on newly purchased property that had a long history of ‘continuous cropping’ and a poor approach to crop and soil nutrition. Note that the rates of MAP were maintained at 80ks across the farm due to poor soil fertility. In 2011 Microsoil liquid fertilisers were applied to half of the farm in conjunction with 80kg MAP. No improvements in yield were noted in 2011. However in 2012 the half of the farm that was now receiving its second ‘season’ of Microsoil liquid fertilisers showed marked improvement in fertility and yield as highlighted in the above graph. The half of the farm that was now receiving its second year of Microsoil treatments yielded an extra 10 bags to the acre compared to the half of the farm that was receiving its first season of Microsoil liquids. The above Gross Margin figures take into account both the cost of fertiliser applied against the wheat yield and quality. Trial conducted by: private client trial.
Soil stable nutrients significantly improve pasture quality and dietary analysis. Details: This trial was carried out on an oats crop to gauge the effect on Microsoil liquid fertilisers on pastures over subsequent seasons. The initial application of Microsoil was applied in July 2010. A significant improvement in the pastures colour and density was noted over the coming seasons. To quantify what changes had occurred in Treated versus Control areas of the pasture, detailed plant tissue analysis and a full stock feed and dietary analysis was undertaken. Microsoil liquid fertilisers are pH balanced to maximise nutrient uptake by the leaf. Furthermore the protein and organic forms of nutrient contained within the products have proven in many trials to be less susceptible to leaching. This has again proven to be the case as highlighted in the attached results. There has been a dramatic improvement across all key nutrients in the plant tissue analysis. There are also significant improvements the the quality of feed grown in the Treated areas leading to better weight gain potential for livestock. Again note the improvements in key nutrients and in the protein levels of the Treated pasture. Trial conducted by: AT Rural Consultants.
4 years of scientifically proven results. All of the trials in this table have been conducted by respected industry professionals under replicated and randomised trial conditions. Each year Microsoil invests considerable funds into independent trial work. As a result, Microsoil has developed an industry leading product range that is underpinned by evidence-based in field results. More than four years of data has shown that Microsoil products can make a significant yield improvement when combined with a granular fertiliser program. Over the four years an average increase in yield of more that half a tonne of wheat was achieved. It is interesting to note that some of the higher increases were achieved in conjunction with a reduced rate of applied synthetic fertiliser.
High rate of fertiliser significantly depletes soil biology and nutrient balance. Details: A fertiliser spill occurred on a client's farm in 2012. It had been noted for the subsequent three years that the area that received the spill grew large bulky crops however it contained poor root structure and struggled to 'hold on' as the season became dry from August/September. In order to gain an understanding of what was happening to the soil where the fertiliser spill had occurred a detailed soil biology and soil nutrient analysis was undertaken. The impact of the high fertiliser application on naturally occurring soil biology has proven to be significant. Especially when considering that the soil testing occurred more than two and a half years after the fertiliser spill. The biology and fungi that plants rely on to deliver nutrients have been greatly diminished as shown in the attached table. The nutrient balance has also been severely upset. There is a direct correlation between the breakdown of the soil's biological processes (eg VAM Fungi depletion) and the inability of the plant to efficiently use key nutrients such as Phosphorus. The poor root structure and reduction in carbon levels (less ability to maintain soil moisture) made it doubly hard for the plant to maintain its yield potential given the extra biomass that it had to support. Key areas impacted by the high rate of fertiliser have been highlighted in yellow in the attached table. Trial conducted by: AT Rural Consultants.
Reduced cost with an improvement in fruit quality. Details: This trial was conducted under replicated and randomised conditions to monitor the effect of adding Microsoil liquid fertilisers to the standard farmer practice. The trial was conducted in sandy soil. This was the first independent trial Microsoil has done in intensive horticultural crops. A key learning was that more of the Microsoil products should have been applied up front as opposed to being spread over the duration of the growing period. This information will help to amend and improve the program for the following zucchini trial (see results below). There were many pleasing results to come out of this trial. The plots containing Microsoil plus a reduced rate of standard farmer fertiliser achieved the overall best results in the trial. There was a 14% reduction in fertiliser cost. A 25% reduction in Grade 2 fruit quality. A 17% reduction in Rubbish fruit quality. A reduction in the instances on Silverleaf Whitefly. An 11% increase in Premium fruit quality. The combination of a $325 reduction in fertilise costs with the improvement in fruit quality while maintaining overall yields highlights the success of this initial zucchini trial for the Microsoil products. Trial conducted by: Valencia Ecosystems.
13% yield increase & $3,000 per HA margin increase in sandy soil. Details: This trial was conducted under replicated and randomised conditions to monitor the effect of adding Microsoil liquid fertilisers to the standard farmer practice. Despite the fact that zucchinis are a fast growing crop the addition of Microsoil fertilisers still achieved a 13% yield increase. With the trial only lasting two months we would expect that even better results could be achieved in subsequent crops as the Microsoil products had an ongoing improvement on soil health and nutrient availability. Taking into account the cost of the fertiliser treatments and the yields achieved, the Microsoil treatment achieved the grower and extra $3,006 Gross Margin per HA. Of interest was that the crop was grown in sand which has again proven that the nutrients in Microsoil products are soil stable and resist leaching. Trial conducted by: Valencia Ecosystems.
Yield doubled by increasing plants ability to cope with cold stress. Details: This demonstration trial was designed and conducted by AgriViva and Black Soil companies in China. The trial monitored the effect of applying Microsoil organic liquid fertilisers on top of the standard growing practice normally used in the greenhouses. The Microsoil liquid fertilisers were applied over a three to four month period in the front 1/4 of the greenhouse which is the coldest and lowest yielding section of the greenhouse due to colder temperatures from the entry door. Historically the front 1/4 of the greenhouses has yielded only 50% of the average of the rest of the greenhouse (where it is warmer away from the entry point). In both of these greenhouse trials the front 1/4 of the greenhouse that received the Microsoil liquid fertiliser treatments showed no reduction in yield compared to the warmer sections of the greenhouse. This effectively meant that the front 1/4 of the greenhouse treated with Microsoil showed a 100% increase in yield to what normally happens. One of the key ingredients in Microsoil's patented liquid fertilisers is a blend of naturally occurring plant hormones that create stress tolerance from unfavourable conditions namely - heat, cold and drought. In both trials Microsoil appears to have played a key role in greatly improving yield in the coldest part of the greenhouse. Trial conducted by: AgriViva and Black Soil Companies, China.
17% yield increase & $8,945 per HA margin increase in sandy soil. Details: This trial was conducted under replicated and randomised conditions to monitor the effect of adding Microsoil liquid fertilisers to the standard farmer practice. Despite the fact that capsicums are a fast growing crop the addition of Microsoil fertilisers still achieved a 17% yield increase. Taking into account the cost of the fertiliser treatments and the yields achieved, the Microsoil treatment achieved the grower and extra $8,945 Gross Margin per HA. Of interest was that the crop was grown in sand which has again proven that the nutrients in Microsoil products are soil stable and resist leaching. Trial conducted by: Valencia Ecosystems.
Monosilicic acid demonstrates significant fungal disease suppression. Details: a series of replicated university trials have shown the potential for Plant Guard (formerly known and referred to as "Zumsil" in these reports) to supress common soil fungal diseases. Diseases treated include: rhizoctonia, fusarium, pythium, sclerotinia, blackleg, alternaria alternata, botryoshaeria dothidea, curvularia & gaeumannomyces. These university & laboratory trial results help to explain the beneficial attributes seen by growers who apply Plant Guard to their crops.Trials conducted by: Charles Sturt University, Free State University,Westgate Labs & Plant Diagnostics. Westgate Labs Plant Guard 0 Beneficial Biology Fungal Disease Tests Jan 2021 Rhizoctonia Control By (Plant Guard) Zumsil NZ Laboratory CSU (Plant Guard) Zumsil Canola Pathogens Trial Free State University Report (Plant Guard) Zumsil antifungal
Significant increases to production & protein levels with improved soil health. Details: This trial was conducted under replicated conditions to monitor the effect of adding Plant Guard to pastures. A product with a similar composition to Advance Amino was also added to the pastures. The results showed outstanding improvements to biomass, quality and yield of the pastures. Furthermore significant improvements to the soil were also observed.Trial conducted by: CEPA/TERRA FRUIT CHILE.
nhanced enzyme activity relating to self defence mechanisms in tomato plants.Details: This trial was conducted under replicated conditions to monitor the effect of VP Copper in inducing specific enzymes that are related to self defence mechanisms in tomato plants. The trial was conducted under controlled atmosphere conditions.Trial conducted by: CEBAS GLASS HOUSE FACILITY SPAIN.
GSR Dormant Calcium is electrically available calcium, which can help mitigate the effects of salinity and soil compaction. Details: a series of trials across eight farms in a variety of horticultural crops was conducted to analyse the ability of GSR Dormant Calcium to remediate soil compaction and deepen the aerobic zone of soils. Aerobic zone depth data were collected using a penetrometer measuring the aerobic zone depth to 300psi. Data were collected before and after the application of GSR Dormant Calcium. A total of 36 measurements were recorded approximately one month apart. The results showed an outstanding increase in the aerobic zone and subsequent potential for increased water penetration and enhanced microbial and nutrient cycling ability. Trial conducted by: Maxi Yield South Africa.